

By 8:58 PM , , , , , , , , ,

Located in Otsuka, Tokyo is the second ramen shop in the world to receive a Michelin Star - Nakiryu.  It is only a 5min walk from Shin-Otsuka station (Tokyo Metro line) and about 7min walk from Otsuka station (JR line). Coincidentally enough, it's quite close to Tsuta - the first ramen shop in the world to receive a Michelin Star.

Nakiryu is renowned for it's signature dish - Tantanmen. However, if you want to taste their awesome ramen, you'd better arrive early.

We arrived 45min before opening (opening time - 11.30am) and there was already a line which steadily grew. It grew to the extent that the line had to separate on BOTH SIDES of the road. As the restaurant holds about 9 patrons at a time, we just made the first cut. As news of it's Michelin Star status spreads, it will only get busier so best to come a bit earlier to avoid disappointment.

Let’s get straight into it! Once we were called in, similarly to other ramen shops, we had to order via a vending machine. Thankfully, there were english menus so all we had to do was to match the corresponding Kanji from the pamphlet to the vending machine. Easy enough? Thankfully, I was Ok at recognising Japanese characters.

Watching the chef whip up the piping hot bowls of ramen was like watching a show. Oddly enough, I found the draining of the noodles to be the highlight. Who would have thought I'd be so fascinated by such cool noodle, draining techniques.

I was salivating as the bowl hit my table. Spicy, nutty, sesame broth with ground pork and topped with green onions. I’m no ramen expert, but that broth was absolutely delicious. Slightly spicy and peanutty but highly addictive. I couldn’t stop slurping.
The handmade noodles were awesome , with a firm texture and it held the broth really well. Still, at ¥800, what an absolute bargain!

Tantanmen - ¥800 (~$9AU)

We also got to try the Shoyu Ramen. Again, another awesome bowl of ramen. The broth was flavourful, the slices of chashu were nice and slightly chewy, although I prefer mine more fatty and tender. The noodles were a bit softer than the tantanmen noodles, but this worked well for the dish. The broth was sticking onto the noodles like glue. Now, to the egg. Wow that soft boiled egg was AMAZINGGGGG. The soft gooey yolk was so damn good.

Shoyu Ramen (with chashu and soft-boiled egg) - ¥950 (~$11AU)

Next time, I'll make sure I order an egg and extra chashu with my tantanmen. With extra noodles. Perhaps 2 bowls. Yes, it's that good.

Watch the video here 
Press play to see the ramen in all it's glory!

If it doesn't work, you can watch it on Youtube here.

Address: Tokyo, Toshima-ku, Minami Otsuka 2-34-2
Phone number: 03-6304-1811
Opening Times: Wed to Mon, 11:30am to 3pm & 5pm to 9pm (Mon is only day time). Closed Tuesday
Website: www12.plala.or.jp (Japanese only)

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  1. You guys are so lucky to have visited just when it was announced. We tried but failed as they decided to close one-off on the Wednesday we went hahaha Will definitely try to go next time and have their tantanmen.
