This is just a quick post about one of the most awesome food discoveries I've had this year, Korean Fried Chicken (KFC). You haven't had fried chicken until you have Korean Fried Chicken....
Jasmins, Lakemba
By Unknown 2:43 PM chips, delicious, falafel, garlic sauce, jasmins, lakemba, lebanese, tabouliJasmins has to be my favourite Lebanese restaurant. At Jasmins you are guaranteed delicious and authentic Lebanese food and you will definitely be stuffed! I always go for the Mixed Plate so I get some...
Temasek, Parramatta
By Unknown 5:23 PM chicken, lunch, mee goreng, paramatta, satay, singapore, temasekI recently returned from travelling to Singapore and Malaysia a couple of weeks back and absolutely loved the food there! To satisfy my withdrawal symptoms JHL and I visited Temasek for lunch. I...